In my last broadcast, I shared with you two out of three people you will find in your life, four you may cross path with.

I will be sharing with you today the other two set of people you have to identify in your life. Without any ado, let's begin with the third set of people.


These are set of people who you are attracted to and not because they really have any special interest in you. It is simply because because of one thing, you have common enemy. They want to be your friend because you hate who they hate.

They want to be part of your life because you dislike who they dislike. These are comrades. The problem with comrade is that, they have no permanent friends. If they join force with you to destroy anyone, they will join force with someone to destroy you too someday.

If they join force with you to gossip about others, they will join force with someone to gossip about you too someday. Evil resides in their heart and they glory in their shame.

If you remember the pharisees and the sadducees in the Scripture, they never liked each other, but they joined alliance simply because they have common enemy, Jesus Christ. That's why it is said, never hate those who hate you, for you will end up becoming more like them. As long as you continue to entertain hatred in your heart towards anyone, this will attract as many comrades as possible into your life.


These are set of people who are exceptionally dangerous. You will never identify them easily except by the grace of GOD.

They don't come into your life to decorate it with flowers, but with thorns. They are excessively loving and kind, but not without a reason.

They can't afford any serious quarrel with you because they believe it might turn you off, and could jeopardize their plans

These set of people are not those who spy from afar. They are sent into your life on a mission either to destroy you or to bring you down. They are to monitor your life, hence they will have to be close to you. This is the only way they can get the classified information they need about you even if it will take them years.

The spy are the most difficult to identify because nothing will ever piss them off about you until mission is complete. Even when you're at your best in avoiding these set of people, there's nothing you can do about it.

People hate you not because you're bad. In fact, there are many people out there who cannot define why they actually hate you. Sometimes your success could be a threat to them and sometimes due to unhealthy jealousy.

You may never outrightly avoid them but these are the precautions you may take.

1. Be careful how you display your flamboyant life on social media.

2. Whatever you call secret, take it to the grave.

3. Let people you will ever trust in life earn it.

4. Suspect any friendship without rifts.

5. Never engage in quarrel with anyone if it can be avoided.

6. Choose your friends, never let them choose you.

7. Put your life in GOD'S hands.

Now that you've learned how to identify the aliens amidst friends, this may not be exhaustive but am hopeful that you shall find it helpful.

My prayer for you today, may the good LORD give you the heart of heart to be right with Him, so that in His mercy and grace, you shall be at peace with your enemies. May He protect you against those who wish you evil and reward you for you good heart.

